[nycphp-jobs] Custom PHP/MySQL Developer available for reasonable rates

sundar rajan c_sundar_2k1 at
Thu Oct 4 11:06:31 EDT 2007

Hi All ,

I'm a Freelance PHP/MySQL consultant with about 4+ yrs of experience in building web applications in LAMP stack. 

You can check out my online portfolio at

I do normally charge around $20-25/hr , but if the project is of lengthy duration I can also work on flat fee or per-project basis.

Following are the type of small / contract jobs that I take: 
Creating Custom scripts 
Member signup with email verification & login with session authentication 
Dynamic PDF File generation from the database information using FPDF libraries 
Command line processing of PHP scripts 
Installing CAPTCHA security code for the forms 
Installing Upload progress bar within PHP forms (needs "ROOT" shell access to the server) 
Google Maps API to display a location with pop-up info 
XML parsing to database 
CSV parsing to database 
RSS feeds using Carp 
Handling File uploads 
Generating statistics reports from the database values 
Generating Graphical reports from the database values 
Generating Excel download from the database values 
Working with complex queries in Mysql console 
Building application with SEO friendly URLs 
Installing MySQL , Apache , PHP , SVN , AWStats & software apps in linux boxes 
I can also take up bigger projects with proper specification documents along with the UI/HTML prototypes. 
Can provide client references based on request 
If you find my profile suitable for this project , please do contact me & I would be happy to give you further informations that you might need.

With regards,

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