[nycphp-jobs] PHP / Web 2.0 Consultant Available

Victor Olteanu victor.olteanu at
Fri Jul 25 11:02:25 EDT 2008

I'm a senior web consultant located in NYC and have been involved in many
projects of various sizes. I have expert knowledge in best programming
practices, requirements specification and business analysis. If needed, I
can work out with the client the best strategy for a project that minimizes
cost and ensures the best resources.

There are many ways a project can fail – cost overruns, inadequate
specifications or resources, miscommunication or a wrong development
process.  On handling IT projects, it is therefore important to work with
someone with excellent technical ability as well as business knowledge.

Full References and Portfolio Available


Languages/Frameworks: PHP, MVC (Cake, Smarty), Ruby on Rails, Java,
Smalltalk, JavaScript, CSS; Behavior-Driven Development, Unit Testing,
rSpec, RESTfulness

Source Control Systems (Subversion, CVS), Deployment Tools (Capistrano,
Rake), Bug Tracking Systems (Bugzilla, Trac),  Content Management Systems
(Drupal CMS, Mambo/Joomla)

Project Management Tools (Basecamp, Mingle), Requirements Specification
Tools (Mingle, eRequirements)


Agile / Iterative Development (Scrum Master Certified)

Test-Driven & Behavior-Driven Development; Object Oriented Design with best

Co-ordination of collocated as well as geographically distributed teams

I am currently available to consult in the NYC / NJ area or remotely.

Victor Olteanu
Web 2.0 Technologist -
victor.olteanu at - 646-334-2499
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