[nycphp-jobs] looking for medium size projects

Andy Pearson Andy at
Wed Aug 26 16:09:03 EDT 2009

Been reading discussion and wanted to add my 2 cents.  None of this is
fair, but life isn’t fair and there is no justice, at least not in this
life.  The people who hire off Craig’s list and at $10 an hour
are not people you want to work for.  This is why,

1 They are clueless, they don’t know enough about business to realize if
you want it done right and on time you have to pay market rate.  (They
don’t even know what market rate is)  There will be a lot of hand holding
and explaining the basics of the internet.

2 They have no respect for your profession and think anyone could do it. 
They won’t listen to any advice, and will have unrealistic expectations.

3 They will comeback time and again with changes and expect them to be free

4 They are also likely to not pay you in full

Basically you end up dealing with people like this

Most fields have a cut rate option and a high quality option.  There is
McDonald's and there are gourmet restaurants.  Some people are happy to
eat at McDonald’s, and have no one to blame but themselves when they have
a heart attack.

Andy Pearson

Grafixwerks Design
Where technology and creativity meet

andy at
office: 718-874-6381
mobile: 347-743-0716

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