[nycphp-jobs] Question: Re: Senior PHP5 developer - Social media

Paul A Houle paul at
Fri Jul 17 15:35:16 EDT 2009

Shahan Avedian wrote:
> As a recruiter, in my opinion whenever I read those type of things the 
> first thing I think about is that the job does not pay a lot of money.
> The term "rockstar" is their inarticulate way of trying to find 
> someone senior with plenty of work experience. When you see "foosball" 
> and "Star Wars Trivia" that is usually code for "we are going to try 
> to say things to take the focus off of compensation" I don't think it 
> has anything to do with male vs. female…but it probably means everyone 
> there is young
I dunno, maybe it means they're looking for the next Zed Shaw.

I worked, briefly, for a place that had the "rockstar" bug. Base pay was 
moderate, but there was a lot of bonus potential, plus "good" retirement 
benefits -- but no health insurance. The owners got health insurance 
through their spouses, as did some of the employees. Personally health 
insurance is the main reason why I'm working a 9-to-5. It's clear to me 
that 401K makes Wall Street rich, but it's not clear that it's going to 
make me rich or secure 30 years from now.

That place was also one of those shops that contracts out to companies 
all over the place and "project management" is a euphemism for making 
excuses why your project is late, since you can't tell client A that 
their project is late because you've been working on client B's project 
and your boss thinks client B is more important than client A.

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