[nycphp-jobs] Proposal: Graphics and modifications for Joomla, Wordpress, Typo3, Zencart, Oscommerce, orient. price 60 $

Sly Ani slyanize at
Sat Mar 13 08:46:34 EST 2010

Creating of templates for Joomla, Wordpress, Typo3, Zencart, Oscommerce.
Modifying existing modules, in php, xhtml, css.

Orientation price for converting graphical design to xhtml, css template:  60$
- optimalization for search engines (meta tags, structure of document)
- same appearance in ie6+, ff3+, opera10+

Orientation price for creating unique graphical design:  60$

Based in Europe, Czech republic, payment via paypal, moneybookers
Have a nice day, --sly

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