[nycphp-jobs] Lead Engineer, Web Developer (edutech & data visualization)

Jennifer Schnidman Medbery jen at
Thu Jun 9 01:31:28 EDT 2011

Kickboard, the world's most innovative data-management application for
classrooms, is hiring a talented PHP developer.

Full job post:

Company info:

Or read on...
Warning: We're not your average NYC startup searching for rockstar ninja

In fact, we're not even located in New York. Kickboard is based in New
Orleans, Louisiana, and we're seeking a talented and highly analytical
engineer to join us in solving real challenges in our nation's education

Yes, you may ask the obvious: Why the heck are you in New Orleans?
And the common followup: Do you know how many companies in New York alone
are hiring? What makes you think you'll convince someone to move to New

Fair questions. However, we honestly don't think it will take much
convincing. New Orleans is, after all, the epicenter of the education
the most
yourself up by your bootstraps" city in the country, the #1 brain
the country, and our outpouring of creativity and culture have
put us on the post-college
We won't even mention the incredible food.

Kickboard is the flagship web application built by Drop the Chalk,
Inc.We're a venture-backed startup with investors and advisors who are
of the education technology industry. Our founder is a computer scientist
who spent three years as a public school teacher, where the need
forKickboard was discovered firsthand. This
means that engineers who have a passion for designing highly useful products
are very welcome here.

As lead engineer, you’ll enjoy the freedom to innovate and have your work
seen by thousands of (paying!) customers. We use an agile development
methodology and take customer feedback seriously. You will own the back-end
infrastructure and ensure its reliability and scalability as we grow. This
is not a "code maintenance" gig, you'll be solving challenging data storage
and visualization issues, and building complex models and rules engines to
process highly variable data. The server side application is written in PHP
using Zend Framework, with plenty of jQuery and AJAX on the client side.
Ability to design and understand database schema diagrams and write SQL code
is a must.

If you're interested in the position, want to check out the Kickboard demo,
or just want to know what it's like to work here, email
jen at or more details here:
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