[nycphp-jobs] Contract PHP developer needed - Image processing & Web application

Gabardine Jobs jointhegab at
Thu Jun 9 13:18:46 EDT 2011

We're looking for a contract developer to help with a small web application.
The application will be written in PHP 5.2 on a standard LAMP stack (MySQL,
Apache, CentOS). There will also be a small Java dependency (Apache Batik)
in the project and the job candidate should be comfortable working with job
queues/worker processes to handle server-side tasks asynchronously, as well
as using Amazon S3 APIs. Skill with client side development (JavaScript,
HTML5) is also a plus.

This is a contractor position, but the we're also looking to cultivate a
relationship with contract developers for future projects.

Reply to jointhegab at with your CV and links to any relevant
work samples.
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