[mambo] slow mambo 4.5.2 possible solution

debbie salemink debbie.salemink at
Sun Apr 24 08:22:11 EDT 2005

Maybe this is a solution for the slow mambo loading, i spent a few
days trying to solve this problem.
First of all i turned of all the mambo admin modules and turned
caching on, like it tells me in the forums.
This brought back the loading time from about 4 minutes to 1. After
this i tried a lot of stuff, optimizing mysql server configuration,
cleaning all unused files etc with no noticable difference in speed.
In the end what solved my problem was to turn KeepAlive in httpd.conf
to on, now the sites and the administration load in seconds.
I havent yet tried turning the admin modules backon to see if
keepalive is the main culprit.

Hope it helps a few other people using mambo 4.5.2
D. Salemink

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