[mambo] Big changes in Mamboland

Ryan W. Ozimek cozimek at
Thu Aug 18 08:52:29 EDT 2005


Man, I just got back from SF as well, and bummed to see this.  I know you
can't discuss this in detail, but what do you "feel" about this?  If the
core dev team is staying with Mambo, does this really affect the code base

I'm interested to see what happens...


-----Original Message-----
From: mambo-bounces at [mailto:mambo-bounces at]
On Behalf Of Mitch Pirtle
Sent: Thursday, August 18, 2005 12:15 AM
To: NYPHP SIG: Mambo; NYPHP Talk
Subject: [mambo] Big changes in Mamboland

Apologies for the crosspost, but it is a bit of a humdinger of an
announcement ;-)

So we're back from LinuxWorld in San Francisco (where we won Best Open
Source Solution, woo-hoo!), and things have been moving at 1,000,000 miles
per hour in Mamboland. If you follow Mambo, you've probably been tracking
some of the dissension within the community after the recent formation of
the Mambo Foundation by Miro Ltd. Tonight, the core development team has
released an official response:

Please visit here for updates on our future, and be sure to join the new
forums to participate in our ongoing discussions with the community.

We can't say any more than what is in the official statement right now, but
we have retained the services of the Software Freedom Law Center and will be
providing more details about our plan shortly.

ALSO: If you're not familiar with the SFLC, it doesn't get much better. Here
are a few of the people on the SFLC team: Eben Moglen, Lawrence Lessig, Dan
Ravicher, and Daniel J. Weitzner, director of the W3C (World Wide Web

Mitch Pirtle
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