[joomla] E-mail aware modules

William Barnett booksmartbilly at
Mon Dec 5 22:02:25 EST 2005

Greetings NYPHP Joomla SIG...

...from OINK-PUG ( I am busy switching our site
over to Joomla and wish to learn more about Joomla modules in
particular. For instructional purposes I have begun work on
to gain insight to the module development process.

Currently, I'm looking into the best method to gain access to e-mail
features. I'm leaning toward the PEAR "Mail" package but I would like
to survey other e-mail aware Joomla modules (if they exist). Thus I
would appreciate hearing from anyone involved in the development of,
or who knows of the existance of any Joomla modules that make use of

Thanks for your time and for setting the bar so high! NYPHP rocks!


Bill Barnett

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