[mambo] Browser wars

leam at leam at
Sat Mar 19 11:27:22 EST 2005

A lost battle, I think...

I'm a little concerned and a little blah'd out by the browser issues I've run in to. Konquerer and Mozilla both had issues with the Admin interface. Mozilla hangs and Konquerer gets stuck in a loop of "Menu Edit" <-> "Login" and the "I" and "P" buttons don't work on the Editor. Safari (MacOS) has the same "I" and "P" issue, according to my wife.

I'm also still running in circles about how to use a template and upload html files and have them available on the site. I want to be able to help people who don't know a lot about web-design load up basic information. *I* can't even figure it out.  :(  The whole Admin interface organization leaves me baffled...

Just kinda blah'd on a Saturday. Hopefully those of you who know what you're doing will take the time to document your understandings for those of us who follow.



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