[mambo] Browser wars

Mitch Pirtle mitch.pirtle at
Sat Mar 19 14:44:04 EST 2005

Hey Leam! It is nice (here in Manhattan at least) - go outside!

On Sat, 19 Mar 2005 11:27:22 -0500, leam at <leam at> wrote:
> I'm a little concerned and a little blah'd out by the browser issues I've run in to. Konquerer and Mozilla both had issues with the Admin interface. Mozilla hangs and Konquerer gets stuck in a loop of "Menu Edit" <-> "Login" and the "I" and "P" buttons don't work on the Editor. Safari (MacOS) has the same "I" and "P" issue, according to my wife.

I know there are folks out there using Mambo on a Mac without issue
(in fact, the former lead developer Robert Castley only used Macs). I
would love to find some vocal Mac users in the community to help
document and report bugs in the interface (hint, hint)

It is perhaps a collection of things both different and unrelated:

* the admin menus - these use JsCook, and are tested on all browsers
and platforms, not sure what issues are there for the Mac
* default WYSIWYG editor (TinyMCE) - this one is not perfect, and you
can switch to many others instead - FCKEditor, HTMLArea3 for example
* phpShop tabs - in the Mac the tabs for the phpShop administrator are
black, appears to be using some goofy CSS that the Mac doesn't
appreciate. This should be labeled as a bug with mambo-phpshop.

> I'm also still running in circles about how to use a template and upload html files and have them available on the site. I want to be able to help people who don't know a lot about web-design load up basic information. *I* can't even figure it out.  :(  The whole Admin interface organization leaves me baffled...

Maybe we should start several threads that are separate and detailed.
I'm happy to point out everything that I can (which is a LOT).

> Just kinda blah'd on a Saturday. Hopefully those of you who know what you're doing will take the time to document your understandings for those of us who follow.

I am grabbing a cigar and skateboard (strange combination, I know) and
taking the kids to the park. So, as one of my favourite ancient NNTP
sigs says, "Turn off your computer and go outside."  :-)

-- Mitch

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