[joomla] Basic newbie Template questions.

Ben Hornedo benny at
Tue Dec 26 16:11:28 EST 2006

Most templates for Joomla are designed to be modular, meaning everything
that a particular template may need to function properly should be in the
templates own directory like the template_css.css file, the index.php file
and the graphics associated with the template. The graphics you see in the
Media Manager are more like "content" graphics which, if missing should not
"break" the functionality of the template itself.

One thing you can do, so you don't destroy your template while trying to
change the graphics, is to make a copy of the templates directory (and
sub-directories) in the Joomla template directory. Then by making a few
small changes to the templateDetails.xml file (change name, etc.) you can
have a test template to play with. You can then "activate" or "deactivate"
it via the SITE > TEMPLATE MANAGER. You can change the graphics in the
images folder of this template copy and check the results on your site as
you do it. When your done playing you can switch back to your "real"
template in the SITE >TEMPLATE MANAGER again.

This is just one way of doing it (and probably no the best).

I hope this helps you to have some more fun with Joomla.

Ben Hornedo

-----Original Message-----
From: Lars Stavholm [mailto:stava at] 
Sent: Tuesday, December 26, 2006 10:36 PM
To: NYPHP at; SIG at
Subject: Re: [joomla] Basic newbie Template questions.

David A. Roth wrote:
> I have some basic newbie questions regarding Joomla templates.
> How come the template graphics (i.e. JPG, PNG, etc.) files for the
> template are not available in the Media Manager?
> If I download a template, such as from and want
> to use it as-in, but with different graphics, how it this accomplished?

Template graphics is stored within the template directory.
At rockettheme you'll find forums and howto's to help you
do the graphic changes you need for all the templates
provided there.
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