[joomla] Basic newbie Template questions.

Mitch Pirtle mitch.pirtle at
Tue Dec 26 23:22:22 EST 2006

On 12/26/06, Ben Hornedo <benny at> wrote:
> One thing you can do, so you don't destroy your template while trying to
> change the graphics, is to make a copy of the templates directory (and
> sub-directories) in the Joomla template directory. Then by making a few
> small changes to the templateDetails.xml file (change name, etc.) you can
> have a test template to play with. You can then "activate" or "deactivate"
> it via the SITE > TEMPLATE MANAGER. You can change the graphics in the
> images folder of this template copy and check the results on your site as
> you do it. When your done playing you can switch back to your "real"
> template in the SITE >TEMPLATE MANAGER again.

Congratulations Ben, you've just written the most important joomla
template tutorial.

> This is just one way of doing it (and probably no the best).

And this is exactly how some of the best joomla template designers get
their start.

*spacemonkey wipes moist eye with a hankie

Honest, this is why the platform is so popular, you just copy pieces
and muck around until you get what you want - or teach yourself how to
do it the way you wanted in the first place.

-- Mitch

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