[joomla] PHP mailing lists

Graham Spice graham at
Fri Feb 3 02:43:42 EST 2006

Awesome - thanks for proving me wrong, Phil! I'll look into it as this 
is something I've been looking for for a while now.

Graham Spice

>From: Phil Taylor <nyphp at>
>That is not true :-)  The patch to Joomla registration of adding new 
>users to mosLM is available at
>Phil Taylor
>Developer of mosListMessenger!
>Graham Spice wrote:
>>There is no API available for PHPlist...yet. There has been discussion 
>>about the beginnings of an API and the SOAP protocol on the developer 
>>discussion list in the past few weeks. Things could open up there 
>>quickly from what I can tell.
>>You can read the emails between the developers here: 
>> See the thread 
>>called: Web Service Interface to PHPList
>>Other newsletter related forum posts
>>    *,30369.msg193037.html#msg193037
>>    *,12735.0.html
>>On Feb 2, 2006, at 1:15 PM, Norman ONeil wrote:
>>>>You could also try phplist if you want a challenge, the other pay  
>>>>for one is put out by and is called mos/ 
>>>>jos listmessenger. The latter one is integrated into joomla quite  
>>>>nicely, but still missing bounce processing.
>>I disagree with this last statement because mosListMessenger does not 
>>integrate with Joomla's user data! There used to be a hack available 
>>to automatically sign someone up for the newsletter when they 
>>registered but that is no longer available. Being able to use Joomla's 
>>user data is is critical to the integration, IMHO. Related forum post:
>>    *,34399.msg192820.html#msg192820
>>Graham Spice

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