[joomla] mosListMessenger

Graham Spice graham at
Sat Feb 4 15:51:43 EST 2006

I have a working HTML email template that mirrors the site of which she uses to send her newsletters. It works very 
well and the client is thrilled. Unfortunately, moLM doesn't store an 
publicly-available archive of the mailing but you can just copy and 
paste it into a new content item for public archiving.

I seem to remember having difficulty with mosLM's built-in WYSIWYG 
editor. It may have been because the client was on a Mac. Hopefully this 
has changed with the new version - it would be great for it to use 
Joomla's default mambot editor.

I am hoping that mosLM will to take advantage of the new hooks in 
upcoming Joomla API for user registration so that you don't have to 
modify core files to achieve this. Perhaps it could use a similar 
approach to upcoming LDAP mambot. I've also seen a similar user mambot 
from the phpBB team here:


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