[joomla] Joomla/CMS newbie question.

leam at leam at
Tue Jul 18 16:47:08 EDT 2006


I know not much but as yoru questions are easy, here goes.

Joomla is a PHP app. What you know in PHP will make you better in Joomla. You can mix/match pages, if you want, but I'm not sure you'll find that in your best interest.

You will find Joomla works well on Linux and you will also learn how Joomla *is* your CMS function. It is well featured and has lots of additional stuff to go with it. Give it a couple days of serious playing with and you'll see what I mean.



On Tue, Jul 18, 2006 at 04:35:29AM -0400, David A.Roth wrote:
> I couldn't be more new to Joomla and CMS from a developers prospective. 
> I have looked through the Joomla web site, and while everything looked 
> very interesting I still have some questions. Forgive me if they were 
> addressed elsewhere since it is possible I overlooked them.
> I have gone through most of the online demo for Joomla. Here are my 
> developer's related questions so far:
> As a PHP developer, what is the relationship of PHP to Joomla? How do I 
> incorporate PHP into Joomla? How do I maintain and manage PHP 
> development within a Joomla environment? Does Joomla know the 
> difference between HTML and PHP code in its pages?
> Does an entire web site application need to be in Joomla? Can some 
> parts of the site remain purely PHP and still work with Joomla? Or is 
> there no reason why the entire web application shouldn't be in Joomla?
> Are their limitations with Joomla as a CMS tool that I should be aware 
> of as a PHP developer? Can Joomla have access to Linux easily to 
> execute a shell script (that you have file permissions to), for 
> example?
> As I am designing a new web application from the start with the 
> intention of making the entire web site in PHP where pages would be 
> dynamically created to obtain fresh data from a MySQL database, how can 
> I use Joomla to best handle the CMS functions?
> How do I take a web/graphic designer's design/layout and put this into 
> Joomla? Are their any limitations of how the web pages must look in 
> Joomla?
> If some kind soul feels these questions are of little interest to 
> others on the list, please feel free to reply to me via e-mail 
> directly.
> Thanks in advance,
> David Roth
> rothmail at
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