[joomla] Joomla 1.5 requires an FTP server ?!

Ajai Khattri ajai at
Thu Feb 15 09:55:34 EST 2007

On Wed, 14 Feb 2007, forest wrote:

> You can imagine my surprise when during the install it asked me for an ftp
> server. ftp server? Isn't that so 10 years ago? Or did I miss the big ftp
> comeback!

Most designers dont know about sftp/scp and most designer's tools still 
use FTP. Sad but true. Im guessing you haven't worked with many 

> Anyway just wondering if Joomla really requires you to have an ftp server
> running now, or if this is just something you need for the installation and
> can turn off later? The installer gives you the impression that ftp is now
> used for all modules, but that CANT be right can it.
> Anyone know what gives with this change, it seems like its right out of left
> field to me.

It's in the docs actually:

"The previous version of Joomla, the 1.0.X series had issues with 
ownership of files on a server. It's a little bit technical, to give you 
an idea, its possible for files on an Apache web server to be owned by a 
user called "nobody". Go figure. Anyway, there would be conflicts with who 
owned files, whether it was the FTP account or Apache itself. This would 
lead to permission problems when Joomla would try to upload files.

The solution in 1.5 is for Joomla to actually use an FTP account for 
everything, and then there are no conflicts."

(ajai at

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