[joomla] Trying to get "From Scratch" template to have a menu like SolarFlare's template Main Menu

Mitch Pirtle mitch.pirtle at
Thu Jan 4 11:19:42 EST 2007

On 1/3/07, WP1 <wpage1 at> wrote:
> I am building a template from scratch.  I would like to get the menu
> to display with the colors that change like the SolarFlare template
> Main Menu.
> I do not know where to begin or where to go to get information as to
> how to do it.

You can experiment with CSS to do this, mainly a:hover and using
classes for your menus.

Barrie has provided a real nice tutorial (actually several) as linked
in another thread, and you can find CSS tutorials all over the web.

I cannot think of a specific tutorial that covers Joomla menus and CSS
though. Anyone?

-- Mitch

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