[joomla] CafePress and Joomla v1.0.11 and v1.0.12

WP1 wpage1 at
Thu Jan 4 12:40:34 EST 2007

Hi All!

I sure will be glad when I can finish this site.  This is a learning
experience.  I am having fun, but sometimes it can be exasperating.

I have been trying to get the CafePress module and component which is
an older mambo module and component to work with Joomla v1.x.  I was
able to get some help with the module and that is working fine now.
The component is another matter.

The component installs with no problem, however when I try to refresh
the cache in the back end I get the following message,

"DB function failed with error number 1146
Table 'msessie_joom2.mos_menu' doesn't exist SQL=select from
mos_menu as m inner join mos_components as c on m.componentid =
and c.option = 'com_cafepress'Cache Refreshed."

Also, there appears to be an image missing in the front end of the
component.  You can see what I am referring to at this post:
CafePress module not working,42462.msg626134.html#msg626134

Otherwise the component appears to be functioning properly.

Does anyone have any experience with the Cafepress Component on the
list?  I have also placed a zipped copy of the component file into the
Joomla Forum post noted above.

Does anyone have any suggestions as to
(1) How to fix the database problem?
(2) How to get the image to display on the front end?

Does anyone know if CafePress changed its code so that the missing
image is no longer supported/displayed by CafePress?

I have not been able to get a response from the scripts' creator.  I
am hoping to
(1) Repackage the scripts and post them at the "Forge" if I can get
both to run properly.
(2) Try to get someone who knows what they are doing to volunteer to
maintain the scripts.

The scripts will probably work with Joomla v1.x.  I dunno about v1.5.

There is another option provided by a group called PrestoGifto.
PrestoGifto provides a free CafePress Component and Module for Joomla
and WordPress at but, it comes with the condition of
the PrestoGifto rotating their PID in 1 in 5 times.  I do not think
that I want to go down that road but, Anyone on the list who is
interested and wants to check it out can do so at: :

Main Web Site:

Appreciate any and all help with this.

Webbing Along!!

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