[joomla] Re: How to handle many friendly URLs to specific pages in Joomla?

Dn. Kirill Sokolov kirill at
Mon Jan 29 10:50:21 EST 2007

These are interesting questions.  As an aside, I think that the lack  
of built in "aliasing" as SEF Advance calls it really hinders  
Joomla's potential growth.  It's been difficult for me to convince  
small non profits that their URL's might lose some flexibility that  
basic HTML in Apache provides.

For example, if you have:

in straight HTML, your user can typically enter the following in the  
address bar:

and get to the appropriate page.

I haven't found anything in months of forum-hopping that would  
describe how to make this functionality work.  The best I can do is  
create an alias in SEF advance like:			[the trailing slash is  
there on purpose]

Maybe I just need to learn some Apache rewriting rules..?

Best to all,

Kirill Sokolov

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