[joomla] IE6 & Vista --> was Paypal Developer Da

Mitch Pirtle mitch.pirtle at
Mon Nov 5 13:32:06 EST 2007

On 11/5/07, Donna Marie Vincent <donnamarievincent at> wrote:
> So I signed up for Paypal Developer Day for this Thursday and when they
> called to confirm they said I need to bring my laptop.
> What laptop?!  I've been thinking about finally buying a laptop, and was
> looking at one with XP at, but I don't have time to order it and
> all the ones in the stores are Vista.


And remember that Leopard comes with BootCamp included, so you can
boot into XP or Vista as well. If you grab a copy of Fusion you can
even run IE in a separate window, like a native mac app.

-- Mitch

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