[joomla] Book reviews up, could I have been more disorganized and confusing?

Anthony Ferrara ircmaxell at
Thu Nov 8 12:17:21 EST 2007

Man... For a temporary site, this is really looking
good... hehehe.  I knew there was a reason I made you
an admin... hehehe...

Hopefully this library takes off, and we can expand
the idea out to other groups...
--- bz-gmort at wrote:

> I started out with Sobi for book reviews, than added
> Joomlib for the 
> library and used it's book review function.
> So what did I do?  I left the menu link for SoBi up
> labeled as "reviews".
> Could I have been less organized?
> Noooo.
> In any case, the reviews are combined with the
> library, and I've removed 
> the review menu link.
> I've gone through and added my thoughts to just
> about all the books. 
> Note: I tend to be pretty brutal on books.  I think
> if your paying 50$ 
> or thereabouts on a book, I'm expecting a textbook,
> not what you get 
> these days from most companies.
> That doesn't make the books useless, just most times
> they are useless 
> /to me/(The general about Joomla books are no longer
> applicable for me) 
> or not worth the money /to me/(I'd say most books
> are at least 10, if 
> not 20$ more than I think they are worth).
> So please, feel free to add your own reviews and
> contradict me, give 
> people multiple points of views.  Or validate my
> feelings.
> The direct link to the library is currently: 
> You can also use it to request to borrow a the book
> at the meeting and 
> return it at the next meeting(or media mail it
> back).
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