Subject: RE: [joomla] Template install issues

masimko at masimko at
Mon Nov 12 16:01:46 EST 2007

/var/www/apache2/joomla seems like an odd directory structure to me, are you sure it's not /var/apache2/www/joomla?I put it into a subdirectory under /var/www. /var/www/apache-2 is another (useless and baffling) directory that is just there.And the most likely name is apache2.confYes, but an empty httpd.conf file is also there.Generally, I've found them to be:User apacheGroup apacheIn Ubuntu 7.10 it is www-dataBut it could be different in your case.That is the userid and group that apache is running as, so if your going to chown files(and chgrp for that manner) change them to whatever the user and group directives are set to.Curiously, everything now, and this is a fresh install of Ubuntu, is set as root. I'll change it all to www-data for user and group, which do exist in the passwd and group files.It may be that /var/www is the web servers document root and/var/www/apache2-default is a directory that contains a basic apache welcomepage. I believe that the default user and group for apache2 in Ubuntu iswww-data. So you may want to try: chown -R www-data:www-data /var/wwwExactly!You may also want to check the /etc/apache2/sites-available/default filebecause in a default install it will redirect everything to thatapache2-default (welcome page) folder. You would just need to comment outthe RedirectMatch (around line 16), then you can install Joomla eitherdirectly into the /var/www directory or create a /var/www/joomla directoryfor it (don't forget to set ownership permissions)I've already installed joomla as a sub of www, which is how I would prefer it for now.Let us know if that works.This is set by default to /var/wwwdirectly into the /var/www directory or create a /var/www/joomla directoryfor it (don't forget to set ownership permissions)Let us know if that works.Yes, that is progress. Now I get:Your Extension appears to be written for an older version of Joomla!. You must enable the System - Legacy Plugin in the Plugin Manager if you wish to complete this task.Should I be trying 1.5 at this point? I though I heard it mentioned at the meeting that upgrading of existing sites should be held off, but this is not production yet, and I'd prefer to do not have to upgrade later.Thanks so much to all for the help!!!!Mark
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