[joomla] modules in mulitple positions

Rolan Yang rolan at
Sat Oct 6 11:41:00 EDT 2007

Rolan Yang wrote:
> bz-gmort at wrote:
>> Rolan Yang wrote:
>>> I want to place the search module in one position (top) for the 
>>> front page, but place it at the "right" position for other pages. Is 
>>> there an easy way to do this? I'm thinking I could create a copy of 
>>> the search module configure the second one for "right"  or create a 
>>> copy of the template and and apply it to the front page (swapping 
>>> out positions for "top" and "right") but I'm wondering if there is 
>>> an easier way...??
What I ended up doing was duplicating the module like so:

went into the /modules directory
cp mod_search.php mod_search2.php
cp mod_search.xml mod_search2.xml
edited mod_search2.xml, search and replacing "mod_search" with "mod_search2"
zip mod_search2
rm mod_search2*

then through the admin interface of joomla, installed as 
a module.
This allowed me to have identically functioning search modules, one 
configured to the "top" position and one at the "right".
I configured the "top" one set to display on only the front page, and 
the "right" module displayed everywhere else.


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