[joomla] Rackspace

bz-gmort at bz-gmort at
Tue Oct 9 14:34:03 EDT 2007

Ajai Khattri wrote:
> On Tue, 9 Oct 2007, bz-gmort at wrote:
>> I had a linnode for a while, it's pretty nice but their hard drive space 
>> sucks.
> True, but unless your web app involves file uploads you dont need much 
> space. Even for a virt domain mail server (which is what Im building), 8Gb 
> is more then enough since Im not storing email long term on the server 
> itself anyway.

Ha ha ha.

Any server I use must host 2 things:
My wife's family photo gallery
My wifes email

The only reason the photo gallery has not broken 1GB yet is because her 
digital camera is busted and she needs a new one.

As for email..........let's just say my wife likes to talk. :-)

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