[joomla] Rackspace

Mitch Pirtle mitch.pirtle at
Tue Oct 9 16:20:35 EDT 2007

On 10/9/07, Anthony Ferrara <ircmaxell at> wrote:
> I do all my shopping off of EBay.  I do only IBM
> servers... I have 3 X335 (dual 1U P4 Xeon, Hardware
> RAID 1 x2 SCSI), 2 X345 (Dual 1U P4 Xeon, Hardware
> RAID 5 x6 SCSI drives), and am contemplating getting a
> x336 (newer 335)...

I'm still scared of the xeons and the context switching issues they
had in the past with certain chipsets. For some reason they really
cause havoc with postgresql, which is a fave of mine - so for me no
xeon :-)

-- Mitch, trying to tie this back to joomla somehow *giggle*

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