[joomla] Sphinx search

bz-gmort at bz-gmort at
Sat Sep 22 14:11:47 EDT 2007

Anthony Ferrara wrote:
> when you say headache of running a linux server, what
> are you referring to? 

Making sure it is secure, periodically checking logs or whatever your 
preferred method to track security incursions, installing and 
configuring a web server, installing PHP & Perl along with a basic web 
server configuration.

It's not so much time consuming, once your doing it, as time consuming 
to get your head(or at least my head) into the mode of remembering all 
this stuff, building a baseline system, yadda yadda yadda.

Or to put it another way, I'm feeling lazy.  Given a choice for my 
personal projects between coding and admin, I'll do coding these 
days(I've had a third cell line not in use much(kids line) and unlimited 
messeging for the past few months I'm just itching to hook up and fiddle 
with Kannel and Mbuni(SMS and MMS messaging from your computer using a 
cell phone)

But sitting down to work out the web server setting involved to properly 
connect up to kannel just pushes the project lower and lower.

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