[joomla] Need Joomla 1.5 book recommendation for Webmasters

David A. Roth davidalanroth at
Mon Dec 1 23:53:11 EST 2008

It's a follow-up not a review. If people are interested, I will ask
the Webmaster I turned these two books over to for comments after
allowing enough time to get familiar with them.

If anyone knows of other Joomla resources that are good for Webmasters
please let us know. Thanks!

David Roth


Is that your review or someone elses?


On Mon, Dec 1, 2008 at 7:38 PM, David A. Roth <davidalanroth at>wrote:

> Now I read this. :-)
> To follow-up my own postings. I'm like most of us, I tell people about
> Joomla and then would like to turn over good resources to them so they can
> get going on their own. I decided to explore two Joomla books for
> recommendations to Webmasters. One is the Visual Quickstart Guide Joomla! by
> Marni Derr and Tanya Symes published by Peachpit, and the second one is
> Joomla! A User's Guide by Barrie M. North published by Prentice Hall. Both
> of these books arrived today so I've not been able to examine them closely
> yet, but I did skim through them. North's book in Chapter 11 titled,
> "Creating a Restaurant Site for Joomla!" looks like an excellent guide for a
> Webmaster. I also like the areas called "The Least You Need to Know" which
> is exactly what a Webmaster is looking for. Before anyone gets huffy about
> the job title of Webmaster, I am referring to those who are not programmer
> types but have responsibility to control content on a web site. The Visual
> Quickstart Guide Joomla! is what the name implies as the rest of the Visual
> Quickstart series where there are many screen shots with text next to them
> briefly explaining each item such as a parameter.
> I'm going to turn these two books over to a Webmaster and see how they do
> and what is found to be most useful. It might be the combination of these
> two books or merely specific sections from each.  I've professionally
> enjoyed the work of Barrie North and dig his newsletters and web site.
> However, I am looking for Joomla resources for Webmasters as I defined above
> since like all of us I want to see Joomla continue to grow and one way is
> for the Webmasters to be sold on it. I had a Webmaster search and
> come up with these two books independently of my influence.
> David Roth

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