[joomla] Need Joomla 1.5 book recommendation for Webmasters

Leam Hall leam at
Wed Dec 10 07:14:51 EST 2008

I an up to Chapter 6 of "Barrie" and am enjoying it as a read. In th
enext couple days I plan on re-starting the Joomla based web design I
had gotten confused on before; that should give me a better feel of how
much I've learned. 

While I'm sure there are web resources that cover everything Barrie
does, I save money by spending a little. Keeps me from Googling and
trying and then having to Google again. Besides, I can read my book in
the living room and don't have to worry about the dog or kid breakig
it.  :)


On Mon, 2008-12-01 at 23:53 -0500, David A. Roth wrote:
> It's a follow-up not a review. If people are interested, I will ask
> the Webmaster I turned these two books over to for comments after
> allowing enough time to get familiar with them.
> If anyone knows of other Joomla resources that are good for Webmasters
> please let us know. Thanks!
> David Roth
> ----------
> :)
> Is that your review or someone elses?
> Barrie

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