[joomla] Online document management with versioning

Laura Gordon li_gordon at
Fri Dec 12 12:30:07 EST 2008

Thanks to Mitch for a great presentation last night about how to use KickApps along with Joomla...hopefully I didn't ask to many questions, thanks for your patience.
Just an fyi...I mentioned a great dreamweaver tool to create slideshows...this is just for dreamweaver folks, not joomla...
I have used it on a couple of different sites, it is very easy to use, especially if you are maintaining your client's content.
Take care all,
--- Laura
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--- On Fri, 12/12/08, Mitch Pirtle <mitch.pirtle at> wrote:

From: Mitch Pirtle <mitch.pirtle at>
Subject: [joomla] Online document management with versioning
To: "NYPHP SIG: Joomla" <joomla at>
Date: Friday, December 12, 2008, 10:47 AM

Hey folks,

Last night we discussed the need for an online document management
system that was aware of versions and whatnot. This morning I took a
deeper look at OpenGoo (mentioned by the friendly fellas at Net at Work)
and it looks to fit the bill. Would love to hear what the rest of you
think about OpenGoo, as it looks quite promising.

-- Mitch
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