[joomla] Two Joomla sites on one hosting package?

Mark Simko masimko at
Fri Dec 12 14:07:25 EST 2008

> > Creating a different table name for each instance so there is no mistake in
> > what is being referred to.

Do you mean a different database for each instance, or a different
prefix for the tables?

> > The above is how I have been doing this where I have several instances of
> > Joomla on the development server so I can keep a demo instance, development
> > instance and a staging instance. I then use the Joomla backup component,
> > JoomlaPack, to easily move an instance to another server.

My point was for those on a shared host, which may limit the number of
mysql databases available with the account. If necessary, the database
can be shared between Joomla! systems. I didn't suggest that this was
ideal, but just that the flexibility was there.

> > You have given me an idea. If someone has several related Joomla instances
> > where there was a need to share the user registrations amongst them, then
> > what you are suggesting would be useful, although I've not done that myself
> > yet.

I don't think so. The user tables are stored in the database, with the
table name having the prefix of that particular install. You wouldn't be
able to share the user list.

> >>
> >> <link media="all" type="text/css"
> >> href="/webmail/static/deg/css/wysiwyg-4096788580.css" rel="stylesheet">
> >> </head><body>
> >> <br>Joomla is self-contained within the directory it is installed. The
> >> only<br>external requirement is the MySQL database which simply needs to
> >> have a<br>different name for each Joomla installation to keep them totally
> >> separate.<br><br>Not entirely accurate. Joomla sites can share a database if
> >> the table prefixes are different.<br><br>The default prefix is jos_. If you
> >> are sharing the mysql database with another instance of Joomla!,<br>set the
> >> prefix to something other than the default in the installation
> >> dialog.<br><br>I've put Joomla below the top level in one website during
> >> testing and transition, and set the home<br>menu link to point up one level
> >> in the directory structure out of the Joomla! system.<br><br>I've also put
> >> SugarCRM and phpGroupware below Joomla! in the directory structure, but
> >> without trying<br>to link to them from the Joomla! menu.<br></body></html&gt
> >> ;

Wow, what a mess my verizon webmail account made of this.^ That's what
happens when you have to reply to email from on the road.


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