[joomla] January Meetings

Gary Mort bz-gmort at
Mon Jan 7 07:36:50 EST 2008

Happy New Year.

Well, off to a late start due to ear infections passing from person to 
person, but everything has cleared up now for the most part.

So, this month we have a number of exciting meetings going on.

This Wednesday, at Robert Half Technology the Dreamweavers group will be 
having a presentation on Joomla by our very own Donna Marie Vincent!  
Looks very interesting and I'm only sorry I likely won't make it due to 
time commitments.

This Thursday is our own meeting at Robert Half Technology.  This month 
I'm hoping to focus a little more on the usability side of Joomla, so we 
will have discussions on Joomla in general, Content Management, IJoomla 
Magazine,  Dreamweaver and Joomla, and template troubleshooting!

Later in the month, the NYPHP has a very exciting topic for discussion, 
Web 2.0 mashups!

I've put all these items up on the Calendar on the site, as well as 
providing links to RSVP.  I will send out an email to those who have 
come to past meetings later in the day - if you have made it to a past 
meeting, than your name is already on the list so you can come to this 
one.  I'd appreciate an RSVP anyway just to know how many to expect, but 
if your not able to you can still come.

I'm also being a little proactive and putting up meetings for February 
and March so you can RSVP in advance if you wish.

2008 should be an exciting year, and I hope to see everyone at the next 
couple meetings!


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