[joomla] NYCJUG June 12 meeting recap

forest mars compustretch at
Sat Jun 14 10:54:37 EDT 2008

Are comments on the nycjoomla page being moderated?

Because I added a comment when we got to Bryant park, in case anyone needed
to know what happened and where we were, and the comment seemed to go

However I noticed it's not actually there.



On Fri, Jun 13, 2008 at 12:42 PM, Mitch Pirtle <mitch.pirtle at>

> On Fri, Jun 13, 2008 at 12:24 PM, Donna Marie Vincent
> <donnamarievincent at> wrote:
> *snip*
> > If
> > anyone has more information about what we discussed last night, please
> feel
> > free to add to this.
> First off, the chips were excellent. Blue corn, thin, and crispy.
> Generous, large bag too.
> Perhaps the most pertinent topic was how to make this user group more
> organized, more efficient, and provide more value to its members and
> the Joomla community in general. There are tons of ideas, some of them
> months-to-years old, and simply haven't been acted on. I'm putting a
> focused effort personally to get some of these loose ends wrapped up,
> so we can really focus on the important stuff (making awesome talks
> and sharing a lot of knowledge) as opposed to less-than-fun stuff
> (attending meetings, getting past the goon squad). Glad to see
> everyone else stepping up and volunteering to tackle some tasks to
> make this group the best it can be. Group hug!
> The meet was wonderful outside, and I enjoyed it immensely.
> -- Mitch
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