[joomla] Quark to html

Graham Spice graham at
Sat Mar 1 12:26:34 EST 2008

Wow, this question takes me back a few years! I used to use an plugin 
from Extensis to do this over 10 years ago. It was fairly reliable but 
did require a lot of tweaking. Unfortunately, they no longer make it.

Couple of options: easiest would be to copy and paste text into new 
Joomla content items. You'd lose the formatting but that helps keep a 
site looking all the same. There is an HTML export feature built into 
Quark called the HTML Text Export Filter. Finally, there are plugins 
currently being developed and sold that do the Quark->HTML export...more 
info available here:


Too bad the PDF indexer didn't work - that would have been the best, I 


joomla-request at wrote:
> Date: Sat, 1 Mar 2008 08:54:13 -0800 (PST)
> From: Donna Marie Vincent <donnamarievincent at>
> Subject: [joomla] Quark to html
> To: joomla at
> Message-ID: <663575.10262.qm at>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
> Has anyone converted quark docs to html?
> I have a client whose print newsletter is done in Quark and they want to have it on their Joomla site and searchable.
> Their old newsletters are in pdf and I bought the pdf indexer but they don't like it because it doesn't find the page where the keywords are located.
> I downloaded QuarkXpress and tried exporting to html but it exported the text as a graphic image, which of course is not searchable.
> Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
> Donna
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