[joomla] joomla Digest, Vol 32, Issue 17

Mark Simko masimko at
Thu Aug 27 14:51:52 EDT 2009

On Thu, 2009-08-27 at 12:00 -0400, joomla-request at wrote:

> Message: 1
> Date: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 18:25:09 -0700 (PDT)
> From: Steven Wang <sqwang01 at>
> To: Joomla list server <joomla at>
> Subject: [joomla] installation trouble for VirtueMart and Docman
> 	seller	program
> Message-ID: <826699.42121.qm at>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> Hi 
> I tried to install virtuemart and docman seller on the Afterburner template. Here is an error msg I get: "Error! Could not find an XML setup file in the package."
> Any suggestions on how to fix this.
> best
> Steve
 Check the folder structure inside the zip file. Could be that it was
zipped up wrong. xml file will need to be in the base folder of the zip
file, so you may have to unzip it, remove one folder level, and rezip
the package.

Or, if there is no xml file, you may have to make one of your own. That
could be a bit involved, but not beyond your abilities, from what I've
seen. ;)

Or, if there is no xml file, you could do a manual install of the
package. That also is a bit involved but you are capable.

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