[joomla] list sig

Gary Mort garyamort at
Fri Dec 11 07:49:55 EST 2009

I can shoot an email to Hans Z. asking him to make the change.  I've found
the NYPHP folks very accomodating.

As a PHP programmer first and a Joomla user second, I've always found NYPHP
as the logical home for the Joomla email list... but based on the fact that
many Joomla users don't even know, nor do they need to, that it is written
in PHP perhaps it's not. :-)

As for the website, I've been mulling that for a while and have a few[aka
many] suggestions:

1) There should be an about us page with a general overview of the group
2) There should be a history page covering the founding of the group through
organizing NYC's second JoomlaDay
3) We need to stress strongly that ALL skill levels of Joomla are welcome at
the meetings.  One thing I recommend is strongly encouraging non-coders to
come early to the meeting and schedule the non-techie stuff for the
beginning and save the techie stuff for the end
4) Encourage people new to joomla or considering Joomla to RSVP and ask them
to make a note that they are new to Joomla[perhaps set a checkbox] - and
place a count on the website of how many newbies are coming.  If we KNOW
there are 3 or 4 complete new people, than schedule a short 15 minute
"welcome to Joomla" demo for them.  Things like "this is how you can
dynamically change the menu"..."this is how you can edit content on the
frontpage".."this is how you add new content"...  Really BASIC stuff.   I
know this was one of the things I did at the start of meetings, because
quite frankly this kind of demo is not "sexy" and it doesn't show off your
"skillz" so it is hard to find people willing to do the basics - but these
basics are what really really attract new people to Joomla.  The fact that
once a site is up, they do NOT need to call a web designer for every little
content change.  Of course, this also means you need a few volunteers to
present this - which shouldn't be too hard, just have a standard demo site
everyone can use and run through the basics.  If there is a page where
people can tell if newbies are coming, then a volunteer will step
forward[I'd also say take it to the next level and 2 or 3 days before the
meeting, have the volunteer be able to send an email out to those newbies
"Thanks for your RSVP, Marian Konop from Gotham Informatics,, has volunteered to give you a brief demo
at the upcoming meeting on X at Y time.  Please make sure to come or let us
know if something has come up and you need to cancel"]
5) Regular presentors should have bio pages on the website.  Something like:
Laura Gordon of RyTech Sites, is a regular
presentor at Joomla NYC.
[brief bio]
She has recently presented on
X - brief description and date
Y -brief description and date
Z -brief description and date

6) Irregular presentors should be able to put up a bio page the month of and
the month after a meeting.  Something like
Rafael ??? of Dioscouri Designs,
[brief bio]
Demonstrating their new online shopping system Tienda on X date

Most of this stuff is basic content editing, a directory component of some
sort[SOBI2, K2, etc] and then a little coding on the RSVP side which I could
work on during my dead week at the end of the month.

On Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 10:12 PM, forest mars <compustretch at>wrote:

> Any chance we can get the site on the e-list sig?
> Also, before we do that, any chance we can turn SEF on?
> just wondering,
> ƒorest
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