[joomla] basics demos

Gary Mort garyamort at
Fri Dec 11 10:44:36 EST 2009

On Fri, Dec 11, 2009 at 10:36 AM, Mark Simko <masimko at> wrote:

> On Fri, 2009-12-11 at 09:36 -0500, joomla-request at wrote:
> >   The presentor gets to send them
> > an email a few days before the meeting reminding them that there is a
> > presentation geared specifically to them, and at the same time gets to
> > basically promote their own services with a brief bio of themselves.
> I think this might be better done by NYCJUG itself. The presenter could
> provide info for the mailing, but having an email from some unknown
> might end up disregarded.
> Can we set up, easily, a mailing system?
Ahh, what I meant, and this is the small bit of programming part I see and
could do, is that we can setup a simple newsletter system so whichever
presentor has guaranteed they will be there can send out the reminder email
through the system, so it comes from presentor at or something.


> >
> > The downside of doing these presentations is that it somewhat dillutes
> the
> > presentors reputation as more advanced users kind of associate them with
> > "beginning Joomla"... so it is a trade off professionally, but it does
> help
> > the group expand appeal and attract new people.
> >
> I don't see that at all. Do you view presenters of basic subjects as
> less capable?

Well.. maybe I am projecting...  since when the group was first formed I
tended to use the first 15-20 minutes as people trickled in for an informal
demo of basic joomla features - but I always felt running those kind of
diminished my qualifications in others eyes as opposed to the more
fun/advanced presentations others would get to do.   Course I could have
completely misread things, my people skills are not the bestest. :-)

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