[joomla] Fwd: Advanced Administrator Menu

Mitch Pirtle mitch.pirtle at
Sat Jul 11 19:07:06 EDT 2009

Here's a little nugget that may not be common knowledge for you all...

-- Mitch

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ron Severdia <ron.severdia at>
Date: Sat, Jul 11, 2009 at 7:02 PM
Subject: Advanced Administrator Menu
To: Joomla! CMS Development <joomla-dev-cms at>

A short time ago, Andrew put together a free extension called the
Advanced Administrator Menu. Check it out here...

It allows you to create a new top-level menu and add preferred items
to it. This is great for two reasons:

1. When your Components menu becomes too long to handle, this is a way
to move some things to a specific menu.

2. You can set up customized workflows by creating a menu that has a
step-by-step process. Advanced users and site admins can help
beginners with a separate menu for them that guides them through a
particular process.

I'm sure there are may more uses, but these are the obvious ones to
me. I'd like to propose adding this to the core of Joomla 1.6 if
Andrew will allow it and wanted to see what others thought about the
usefulness of this extension. Please post your thoughts and ideas

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