[joomla] Easy CMS

Scott Wolpow scott at
Wed Jun 17 09:22:09 EDT 2009

Thanks Lew, that is very close to what I am looking for. It is not for 
my needs, but cleints who are not and do not want to be designers
I iwll let youknow what I sue.
Scott Wolpow

On 6/17/2009 4:10 AM, L M Andrews wrote:
>> I am looking for a simple cms for semi-static sites that a lay person
>> can update simple content, add links etc.
>> Joomla is over kill for this.
>> Etomite comes close, but has no easy way to have links except as static HTML
> Hi Scott,
> Would something like WebYep work for you?
> <>
> Should be simple enough for your needs.
> Not free, but not pricy. Give the demo a try.
> Lew
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*Scott Wolpow*

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