[joomla] Any thoughts on why Joomla missed out?

Mitch Pirtle mitch.pirtle at
Tue Oct 27 19:09:26 EDT 2009

On Tue, Oct 27, 2009 at 5:20 PM, Joomla Training
<info at> wrote:
> The flip side is that Drupal has no commercial market to speak of - all the
> money is in custom work.

That's the money-quote, as that is exactly where Joomla has been
headed dating back to the determination that extensions were
derivatives, and therefore subject to the GPL. That was a game-changer
for the community, for sure.

Not a complaint - no need to rehash old arguments - but this is what
the landscape looks like when there are no products, only services.

Each direction has their own benefits and disadvantages. I always
thought the commercial aspect produced good ol' fashioned competition
(and therefore choice for the consumer); however a lack of cooperation
makes it difficult for folks to find what they need, and distributes
resources doing duplicate effort for the most part. Drupal folks don't
have many competing efforts, so your path is relatively clear - and
all resources for a given topic are working cooperatively towards a
common goal.

-- Mitch

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