[joomla] Mort reboot update

Gary Mort garyamort at
Wed Apr 21 13:11:23 EDT 2010

Sorry, it has been EXTREMELY busy these past few weeks so I have not had
much time to send out updates.

For those who don't care about the details, feel free to stop reading now.

So, working backwards:
We signed a lease for a house in Kingston over the weekend.  We move into it
this coming weekend.  It's small, but workable as a short term[6 month]
solution.  Enough space for those who need it, and let's us take our time
looking for something more long term.

I prefer the Kingston/Woodstock area as it is close to school, close to the
bus, etc. So while Saugerties is puts me just a bit too far away
from my parents for weekly visits.

Thanks to Temple Emanuel and Rabbi Romer, we have been able to stay in the
Kingston area so we did not have to choose between seperate places or not
taking the kids to school while we located something more permanent.

Thanks to everyone at school,, Raffi really
seems to be getting through the upheavals rather well.

I need to go through and send out thank you notes individually, but just
have had ZERO time to do anything but catch up on work.  Also if I have not
replied to an offer of help, mainly it has been because I have been
overwhelmed by day to day items and not even able to think of "after we
move"...  I will get back to you....just bear with me.

I've also been overwhelmed by all the well wishes, offers of help, etc.  Not
just from Sandy's friends[who I expect it from] and my families contacts,
but also from complete strangers and my OWN personal contacts and coworkers!
 It is just extremely.......humbling?

Thanks to Sandy's father, everyone has more than enough clothes that we can
simply wait till after we move to figure things out.  I suspect clothes are
not going to be much of a problem.

The biggest issues I see facing us in the next few weeks are:
Sleeping arrangements.  Fortunately the frames for the beds my brothers and
I slept in as kids survived, and my parents have my fathers "youth bed"
frame, so we're all set there.  Just need to work out mattresses and such
and the kids will be set.

Then there is just Sandy and I..... and while I can sleep anywhere, Sandy
needs something with a lot of back support.  Our nice, firm, solid King size
bed[thank you Grandma Alice] is gone.  So I'm hoping to find at least a
decent twin sized captains bed[solid wood backing] and firm mattress so
Sandy has somewhere to sleep that won't kill her back.

Outside of that, of course we will need to get bedding, linens, pillows,
etc.  So if people have those sitting in storage they would be good.

And the only other thing I can think of is actually kind of odd.  We had a
bunch of different artwork[kids, a little bit of purchased, etc] which we
always plan to hang...but never seem to get around to it.  It mostly got
moved over, so it's all gone.

Note: not looking for "professional" artwork, just homeful, cheery,
pictures, paintings, etc - things that not only look nice and turn the house
into a home, but remind one of those who sent it[May, if you get this,
something of Sarah would be nice...sadly I think that was in the boxes that
made it to the house]

I find the oddest thing is, that while I certainly could have lived without
this event, it is in some ways freeing to have a "reboot" in many
ways,,,,, .

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