[joomla] Adding extensions and security

William Bly bbly1956 at
Fri Aug 6 01:29:14 EDT 2010

I hope I am not breaking any protocols with my question as I lurk more than

A week ago I was handed a project at work (United Nations Division for
Sustainable Development) so I put together a Joomla site based on their
concept. The site has been well received with new request and my own

   - Adding extensions, community, ACL, forms, surveys, blogs
   - Access to documents and multiple languages
   - Security
   - Linking to static sites and converting a large static site to a CMS

There are two sandbox and a live version running. We expect to have multiple
contributors adding content. I think this is the first site here using a
CMS. Only recently there have been evaluations here using PHP based Open
source platforms and the results were in favor of WordPress and Drupal.

If you have time to chat maybe lunch in Manhattan, I would be most grateful
for any insight.The project is for a conference on sustainable development
in 2012. I think Joomla is a great fit and would like to provide a good
solution here at the UN that will portray Open Source and Joomla positively.
We are located at 44th st. Two United Nations Plaza.

Thank you in advance - Bill Bly
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