[joomla] Adding extensions and security

Stephen Britton steve at
Fri Aug 6 11:39:38 EDT 2010

Hi William,

I have been working with Joomla since late 2006 and agree that it is
probably the best for your purpose. If you want to develop a
community, there are several good extensions available. I like
Jomsocial, but it depends on the scope of your project.

Your plan calls for multiple contributors and Joomla's admin
structure, based on the newspaper editorial model, with Registered
Users, Authors, Editors and Administrators, is well suited for this

I have done projects with Drupal, geared more towards coders with
extensive its database hooks, but not as user-friendly with a steep
learning curve, and WordPress, which is easy to extend and works fine
for blogs, but doesn't support the hierarchy framework that your
project requires.

It sounds like you have already done a lot of research on Joomla. Like
most big projects, it is best to have a good idea of what the audience
wants and how the contributors work before coming up with a design.

If you would like to talk more, I can make some time next week for
lunch. (I am not expecting much. A hot dog, a bottle of Poland Spring,
and a park bench in the shade is fine with me.)

You should also be aware that there is a very friendly Joomla user
group in New York. The next meeting should be next Thursday. You might
want to attend to meet other Joomla developers.

Let me know if you would like to meet and which day is good for you.

All the best,


On Fri, Aug 6, 2010 at 1:29 AM, William Bly <bbly1956 at> wrote:
> I hope I am not breaking any protocols with my question as I lurk more than
> post.
> A week ago I was handed a project at work (United Nations Division for
> Sustainable Development) so I put together a Joomla site based on their
> concept. The site has been well received with new request and my own
> concerns.
> Adding extensions, community, ACL, forms, surveys, blogs
> Access to documents and multiple languages
> Security
> Linking to static sites and converting a large static site to a CMS
> There are two sandbox and a live version running. We expect to have multiple
> contributors adding content. I think this is the first site here using a
> CMS. Only recently there have been evaluations here using PHP based Open
> source platforms and the results were in favor of WordPress and Drupal.
> If you have time to chat maybe lunch in Manhattan, I would be most grateful
> for any insight.The project is for a conference on sustainable development
> in 2012. I think Joomla is a great fit and would like to provide a good
> solution here at the UN that will portray Open Source and Joomla positively.
> We are located at 44th st. Two United Nations Plaza.
> Thank you in advance - Bill Bly
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Stephen Britton
Technology Consultant
sbritton at
ph: 914-661-0040

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