[joomla] Chrome:

Andy Dirnberger dirn at
Mon Jan 25 10:13:22 EST 2010

On Mon, Jan 25, 2010 at 10:00 AM, Sean Scott <therealsrs at> wrote:
> I had the same feeling when I first started using it. But after a few months it did eventually slow down. I also found that Chrome doesn't handle multiple tabs as well as Firefox. Yes, if one crashes, then it's just that one, but that really doesn't happen that often for me on Firefox. If I remember correctly, after spending a lot of time in one tab on Chrome, when you tried to return to another, it was blank and took a really long time to come back. Very annoying! And last thing, some sites weren't showing properly. So I went back to using Firefox. Keep in mind though I use bookmarks extensively so I don't know if that's what's slowing down both browsers. Besides that and the fact I always open up many tabs, I can't think of why it slowed down. I keep running virus and malware scans and nothing. Oh well, good luck!
> - Sean

I've been using Chrome since it was released. While it does have
trouble rendering a few sites, they are few and far between. I've
never experienced a tab issue. I've never experienced a slow down. I
open it first in the morning and close it last at night (if I close it
at all). Firefox, on the other hand, I have to close several times
throughout the day to free up the memory it uses (I used to think
Outlook was a memory hog, but Firefox blows it right out of the
water). If I don't, Firefox will usually crash (which takes care of
freeing up the memory for me and takes all of the tabs with it).

My only complaint about Chrome right now is that the Firebug extension
isn't as good as the Firefox one. Yet.

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