[joomla] Arguements to modules from pramas.ini

Chris TheEnd chris at
Tue Mar 23 18:18:20 EDT 2010

yea i figured I would be making  my own modules, I think my mental roadblock seems to be where to store the artist infomation and how to call it in the module.

On Mar 23, 2010, at 5:49 PM, Mitch Pirtle wrote:

> On Tue, Mar 23, 2010 at 3:05 PM, Chris TheEnd <chris at> wrote:
>>  So I have an interesting problem.
>> I have a websites I develop on for a record label.  So there are many  Band/Artist pages on the sites.  I have run into a problem where i need to have lots of modules for each page and it is getting really annoying. publishing 20 of the same modules, with just a different section selected.
>> Basically each Band page, has a widget for twitter, and content items by section, photos  with a keyword etc. I am looking into a way where i could just have a few values passed by the template, where 1 module would pick up that  one value for instance if i had a twitter user name passed to a module  on load dynamically. it is a lot of repeating  and everytime i do this i know i have a bad design.
>> Can anyone offer some advice, or point me in the right direction for this type of problem?
> Here's what I would do. I'd create a new twitter module and publish it
> for ALL band pages. The twitter module would look up the twitter
> account for the band it was displaying (this would need to be cached
> of course). Then rinse and repeat process for all the other modules
> that would be displaying for each band.
> In the end it will provide the most flexibility and be easiest to
> manage, even if it means you will have higher development costs up
> front.
> If I wasn't busy with my real job I'd offer to code for MP3s. Right on!
> * spacemonkey stomps around office to Goes Cube, coworkers flee in horror
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