[joomla] error_log in Joomla directory: "PHP Warning: PHP Startup..."

Scott Wolpow scott at
Thu Sep 23 11:40:49 EDT 2010

Glad I could help.
Scott Wolpow
Please Help Me Raise Money for MS
On 9/23/2010 2:02 AM, David Roth wrote:
> Thanks for the reply, Scott.
> The conclusion is that in the account's php.ini, register_globals was 
> set to On. I'm not sure how it got turned On, because Joomla's 
> pre-flight checks for this to be Off and I don't go forward with an 
> installation of Joomla without all green. I placed a local copy of the 
> php.ini to that directory and changed it there. So perhaps somehow 
> after installation, that account's php.ini got changed. Maybe 
> something non-Joomla got installed and required it to be On and it got 
> changed.
> The lesson in shared hosting, is to have a php.ini in each Joomla 
> directory.
> David Roth
> On Sep 17, 2010, at 5:45 PM, Scott Wolpow wrote:
>> Check to see if the files exist on your server. You may have to 
>> contact support for that.
>> Are globals on or off in php.ini?
>> You may have to use a local php.ini or htaccess to modify your 
>> directories.
>> Scott Wolpow
>> On 9/17/2010 5:12 PM, David Roth wrote:
>>> I have a bunch of these messages in the error_log for a Joomla 
>>> installation on a shared host:
>>> 17-Sep-2010 15:15:35] PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Unable to load 
>>> dynamic library 
>>> '/usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-zts-20060613/ixed.5.2ts.lin' 
>>> - 
>>> /usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-zts-20060613/ixed.5.2ts.lin: 
>>> undefined symbol: executor_globals_id in Unknown on line 0
>>> I've not seen this before. Anyone have a clue what the problem might 
>>> be and what action I should take? Thanks!
>>> David Roth
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>> -- 
>> *Scott Wolpow*
>> *718.275.7765*
>> Please Help Me Raise Money for MS
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*Scott Wolpow*
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