[joomla] "check for updates" (Re: Reminder: Joomla NYC User Group to meet on Thursday)

David Roth davidalanroth at
Sun Aug 7 00:56:47 EDT 2011

Donna has a very good point.

Maybe this would work, when you login as Admin it does a check for  
upgrade. If it's available, next to the version, which could be  
changed to "Current version: 1.x.x      New version: 1.xy". The "New  
version" could be linked to either the one-click upgrade you mentioned  
or directly where to download it from The "New version"  
would only appear if there was indeed a newer stable version available  
over the current one installed. Highlighted with a different color.  
This could be configured as Admin for those who want to know about  
even beta versions. Also, this would be a good area to alert about new  
patches especially for security updates.

For those who might always be logged in as Admin, the script could  
check every 24 hours if a new upgrade is available.

David Roth

On Aug 6, 2011, at 11:28 PM, Donna Marie Vincent wrote:

> In regard to "How WordPress Beat Joomla" -- Joomla is becoming a  
> PROBLEM.  I've been working a lot with 1.6 and 1.7 and am finding it  
> VERY buggy.
> And as the author says, why doesn't Joomla put it in your face when  
> your version is out of date?  Even with the new "one-click" upgrade,  
> you have to click the "check for updates" thing manually before you  
> know if Joomla is out of date.
> From: Stephen Britton <sbritton at>
> To: NYPHP SIG: Joomla <joomla at>
> Sent: Saturday, August 6, 2011 10:30 PM
> Subject: [joomla] Reminder: Joomla NYC User Group to meet on Thursday

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