[joomla] WP V Joomla

Scott Wolpow scott at
Sun Aug 7 09:38:49 EDT 2011

One reason for WP rise is with people with zero budget.
It is very easy to use, but also very limited in scope and abilities.
Joomla is beginning to become a frustration.
But if you have complaints, then go and fix them.
Scott Wolpow

On 8/6/2011 10:30 PM, Stephen Britton wrote:
> Hi Gang,
> Hope everyone is enjoying the weekend.
> I want to remind everyone that at 6:30 PM on Thursday, August 11th, 
> the monthly Joomla NYC User Group meeting will take place at our new 
> meeting room at Lincoln Center, 146 West 65th Street. (For detailed 
> directions, visit <> )
> Scott Wolpow will discuss wire frames and the best methods to layout 
> websites before you start building. I will present two Joomla 
> templates - Construct and LessJoomla - that work with every screen 
> from smart phones to jumbo television LCDs.
> I also have copies of Stephen Burge's new book, Joomla <explained> and 
> Barry North's Joomla 1.6: A User's Guide.
> We also need to remind everyone that Joomla Day Weekend is coming up 
> soon - October 22 and 23. To take advantage of the $15 per ticket 
> discount, you must register before Sept. 1. So if you haven't 
> registered yet, think about doing it soon. For information and 
> registration, visit <>
> And if you have registered, you should visit the website because there 
> is recently updated information about the tracks and speakers.
> On other Joomla matters, I recently stumbled across an article, "How 
> WordPress Beat Joomla" on Weblog Tools Collection, a website devoted 
> to WordPress. The author, an Australian website designer, doesn't 
> trash Joomla, but he mentions how WordPress was able to make quick 
> changes that helped boost its popularity.
> I don't completely agree with him, especially the part where bases CMS 
> popularity on Google searches, but he brings up some interesting points.
> Hope to see everyone on Thursday.
> All best,
> Steve
> -- 
> Stephen Britton
> Technology Consultant
> sbritton at <mailto:sbritton at>
> ph: 914-661-0040
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