[joomla] J!Embedded

Gary Mort garyamort at
Fri Feb 11 00:33:51 EST 2011

Hi Ryan,

I figured I might as well ask....  I have no problem if you pass on my 
contact info to others for this project and I'll be happy to shoot you 
the link to the project page/code repo once it hits alpha if your 

I rather expect that I have different goals than the guys in Finland, 
but having someone to bounce thoughts off of couldn't hurt.

Just to explain a bit, I'm currently unemployed. I lost my fulltime job 
last year and have not really gotten anywhere with looking for work due 
to living 2-2.5 hours north of NYC and not being willing to go down to 
NYC more than 2 days a week yet.  I've done some minor freelancing, but 
my main issue is almost no portfolio since all the websites I've worked 
on in the past where over 4 years ago[other than this one job] so not a 
lot to show.

I figure I might as well do some mini projects of my own to give others 
a sense of what I'm capable of.

For this particular wife has been complaining for years 
about how loooong digital cameras take from pushing the button to taking 
a picture.  Last year I learned about DSLR camera's which are damn 
fast....but cost 750-1000....not in the budget while unemployed!

The Elphel looks like all the bits are there for a decent DSLR 
camera....but there is no interface.  If I can code up a decent 
interface for taking pics, reviewing them, uploading them, etc it will 
be perfect.

The hardware for the Elphel runs around 1000....but I think I can bring 
that down to 300-400 by subbing some newer all in one pc 
it looks damn good on a resume.

By using Joomla as my base, I can use the Joomla! coding standards and 
shortcut a lot of nailbiting over how to design the base and skip right 
to the good stuff.

So my embedded version of Joomla! is, at first, just going to be enough 
to do what I need and not much more...if the project takes off after 
that I can make tweaks as needed....and since I'll stick all the code up 
on github others are free to fork it.

One problem I do have is what to call the dang thing.  Personally I'd go 
with J!Embedded and J!Elphel [for the Elphel specific vs Embedded 
version]....but I lack the patience to go through the approval process 
for Trademark and Copyrights with the Open Source Matters contacts[I've 
had bad luck getting replies in the past].  If you know any way to 
streamline that process, or to get provisional permission so I can use 
those names at least for the Alpha it would be great.

On 2/10/2011 11:58 AM, Ryan W. Ozimek wrote:
> Gary,
> While I don't have any mind-expanding answers for you, I do think that it
> would be awesome if you made a distribution of Joomla for embedded devices!
> I just had a great conversation a few days ago with two guys from Finland
> that are keen to provide a powerful Joomla experience for mobile phone, and
> it sounds like there could be some good synergy there.
> Let me know offline if you'd be interested in a connection, and good luck in
> your endeavor.  It sounds very cool.
> Cheers,
> Ryan
> On 2/10/11 10:38 AM, "Gary Mort"<garyamort at>  wrote:
>> I'm currently working on 3 personal projects and figured I'd see if
>> anyone else has done or heard of something similar.
>> First off, I am working on re-working the Joomla install/configuration
>> to move all the Joomla files outside the webroot except for the
>> index.php files.  I want to package it all up the way FudForum does[one
>> giant PHP file that contains the installer and all the code using the
>> halt_compiler function of PHP,
>> For this project, I don't expect or even care if I succeed, it is more
>> that it will allow me to learn more about Joomla core internals for my
>> REAL goal.
>> Real goal, second project: Joomla! Embedded - a Joomla! distribution for
>> embedded devices.  Mainly this is using just the Joomla! framework,
>> getting rid of a LOT of the external libraries[no need for phpmailer]
>> which also means getting rid of some core classes.....and getting rid of
>> MySQL[which means replacing the JUser class with something that can
>> function with a different user storage structure].
>> I've got online access to an Elphel to play with,
>> and it looks promising for setting up a
>> digital camera to make my wife happy.  But it's user interface sucks,
>> and the only current project to make a better interface is using
>> Java[something I avoid using].   So I want a decent Ajax web based
>> interface for the camera, and the default distro includes lighthttp and
>> PHP 5.2.  Match made in heaven, I can code that!
>> I first looked at it as writing a small mini framework for the system[as
>> I want to use MVC practices, and want userid/permissions
>> management]....  but I think in the end building my own mini
>> framework[or learning a new one] would take as much time as using
>> Joomla! and stripping out all the bulky stuff I don't need.
>> I figured I might as well ask here if anyone knows of an existing
>> project for these first.   Mind you, this is low priority work compared
>> to paying work.....but I have some time so my goal is something beta
>> level by May 7th[my wife's guys just /had/ to schedule
>> dev camp for that day didn't you?  :-)]
>> Lastly, I've been hacking around with HTML5 and was thinking it might
>> make for a fun presentation at an upcoming Joomla meeting if there is
>> interest.
>> -Gary
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